jueves, 21 de abril de 2011

Oracion Should

Se utiliza para dar consejos. Se indica que algo es bueno y por lo tanto se debería hacer. Es una recomendaciónno una obligación. Tiene menos fuerza impositiva que "must" y que "have to".
If you feel bad you should go to the doctor

También se utiliza para dar una orden pero de forma muy educada.
Anyone who wants to enter the conference should show his credentials
(Se trata realmente de una obligación -es obligatorio mostrar las credenciales para entrar en la conferencia-, pero está expresada de forma poco coercitiva)
La forma negativa es: shouldn't
You shouldn't smoke
Y la forma interrogativaShould + sujeto...?
Should I wear a dark suit for the party? 
·         I don't think you should eat so much at night
·         Do you think I should take that job?
·         I shouldn’t  watch so much tv
·         I should call my friends more often.
·         You shouldn't work so hard
·         They should practice more if they want to win the field of English
·         Should I have the desserts or vegetables?
·         Where should we meet you tomorrow?
·         He should do exercise of english
·         They should do their homework
·         I should go to the school every day
·         They shouldn´t fight  for little things
·         You should visit his parents
·         You should call a doctor if you feel sick
·        Should they help in this problem?


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